What was the problem Ritu’s daughter was facing?

Her daughter has been facing several challenges lately, including distraction and low energy, which have been further complicated by persistent pain in her left hand. Additionally, she has experienced breathing issues, likely stemming from anxiety, contributing to her overall restlessness. These difficulties have been impacting her daily life, making it hard for her to find peace and comfort.


My daughter is preparing for competitive exams, which are in two months. Still, she has been experiencing significant stress and anxiety, which has affected her ability to focus on her studies. However, after a few sessions with Shweta, my daughter has returned to normal and can now concentrate again. Shweta’s ability to tap into and balance energy is incredible. Thank you so much, Shweta, for helping her regain concentration with Pranic Healing.

How did the process work?

The person was healed through a comprehensive approach that combined several powerful techniques. Emotional Healing (part of Pranic Healing) was the cornerstone of the process, complemented by Crystal Healing, Positive Affirmations, and Positive Visualization to enhance the overall effect. The Shielding method was also integrated to provide additional protection and support. To ensure thoroughness, we performed additional cleansing every six hours. The entire process was dynamic, with regular feedback from the person allowing us to fine-tune the healing to improve concentration for studies.