Karma Series

Karma Series

About Session

The video sessions delve into karma and its impact on various aspects of life. Topics include the karmic roots of fear, phobia, and financial struggles. It explores how karma influences relationships and the role of thoughts, words, and actions in shaping one’s karmic destiny. Additionally, the sessions will uncover the karmic reasons behind persistent financial challenges.

The video sessions include:

  • Karmic Factor Behind Fear and Phobia
  • Karmic Debt: Reason Behind Stuck Money & Financial Losses
  • Karma Effects on Relationship
  • Karma is What?
    • How Thoughts Affect Your Karma
    • How Words Affect Your Karma
    • How Action Affects Your Karma
    • Karmic Reason Behind Financial Issues

Session Content


Session By
Profile photo ofshweta

Shweta Mohta